I picked up a couple of Zveda Pz II and Pz IIIG plastic kits. I've heard good things about them and for the price I was curious enough to see how viable they'd be on the tabletop.
Click below to see pics of the Pz II kit.
"Bottom" side of the sprue.
"Top" side of the sprue.
Directions...not in English.
No idea what this card is.
No glueing involved. Kit snaps together.
Battlefront Pz IIIE next to the assembled Zveda Pz II
It took 5 minutes to assemble the vehicle. Using a good knife, cut the pieces off the sprue, do a little clean up and the pieces fit snugly together.
Zveda is coming out with BT-5's in a couple of week. They'll retail about $4, according to the guys at Brookhurst. A BT-5 and T-26 (also be Zveda) horde might be something for me to consider when EW Barbarossa comes out next year.
Cool model, but any chance you could show a comparison between the snap models and battlefront?