OOB P's Rota Razvedki
HQ CiC, 2iC Rifle w/motorcycles
Razvedki Platoon (9 stands) in M3A1
Razvedki Platoon (9 stands) in U/C, armed with Boys AT
4x SU-76M
9x Stuarts
6x 81-BM-41 mortars in trucks, Observer Rifle team
4x ZiS-3 AT guns
1,575 pts (ermmmm.....)
11. Panzer Division circa Dec 1942, near the Chir River
HQ: 2x Panzer III L w/schurzen
P1: 4x Panzer III L w/schurzen
P2: 3x Panzer IV F-2
P3: Panzer Pionners w/Goliath and in Trucks
P4: 2x 8-rads
1,500 pts
Eh, I wrote down P's army and input it into Easy Army and it spit out a cost of 1,575. It's 1,670 if the mortars switch from 81mm to 120mm. I thought P said they were 120mm mortars. Meh, I probably messed up the force list as he read it to me.
Mission = Encounter.
Warning, many many pics to follow. I took 67 pics during the battle, but it was whittled down to I'm not sure how many. Secondly, since there are so many pics I don't want to put the battle summary at the end. Some of you may not want to stare at all those pics. Instead, the battle summary is below in the large blank area in white-font. Highlight the area with your mouse to read my thoughts.
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Well, a hard fought 3-4 loss. Considering I was probably out-pointed, I fought well. Again, I wasn't nearly as aggressive with the Pz IIIM's as I should have been. They are FA6 for goodness sake. I also misread the ROF on the Stuart, giving it ROF 3 instead of 2. Oiy. Plus, I'm immune to AT7 and I forgot the Stuarts had Hen and Chicks, hampering their movement.
I also blew it with the Boys AT rifle, it being a passenger fired weapon. Knowing the capabilities of the weapon would have helped and I would have pointed out it couldn't fire with Paul's guys dismounted and not worried about the U/C's flanking the Pz F-2's.
Those were the two big mistakes. The pioneers never unpinned and simply served as target practice for Paul's mortars. I was happy with the way I dispatched the SU-76's as they were a big threat at the beginning of the game.
This will be the basis for the army I'll take to Maus Haus IV for the Labor Day SoCal Smackdown. I need to add 250pts. I see many versions of this 1,500pt force. I could drop the F-2's and take all Pz IIIM's and add Marder IIIH's and a Auf Squadron as support. It'd be a very fast moving army and in the enemies face real quick.
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Imperial Rome anchors the right flank. A demo game of Age of Empires on the table next to ours. What's a few thousand years between friends, eh?
Table set-up and deployment. My objective in the center, Paul's objective near the right flank forest. My other objective on Paul's right flank, while he placed his other objective on his left.
Paul overloads his right flank with a Rota platoon and Stuart company and a second Rota platoon on his left. Paul's SU-76's, mortars, Ba-64's, and Zis-3 guns held in reserve.
I have F-2's on my left and the CiC, 2iC, and IIIL's placed behind the village. My pioneers and 8-rads held off table in reserve.
Rotas in U/C's and Stuarts on the left flank.
Rota's in M3's on the right flank.
GERMAN TURN 1 - Pz IIIM platoon maneuver to line up the Rota's M3's.
GERMAN TURN 1 - CiC and 2iC position for shots on the Stuarts
GERMAN TURN 1- CiC, 2iC and an F-2 succeed in bailing 3 Stuarts.
GERMAN TURN 1- Pz IIIM platoon bail one Rota M3 and destroy another, killing 1 stand.
SOVIET TURN 1- Stuarts crew remount 2 tanks and company double move and hide behind the trees
SOVIET TURN 1- Rota U/C's maneuver away from the F-2's and disembark their cargos. Other Rota's M3 go to the rear. Heh, heh, someone said 'rear'.
GERMAN TURN 2- F2 platoon scores 3 hits on the bailed Stuart in the open and destroys it.
SOVIET TURN 2- Consolidation and moving into the trees
SOVIET TURN 2- Rota M3's teams consolidate in the field. Pz IIIM platoon on Turn 3 moved back in anticipation of Turn 3 reserves arrivals.
GERMAN TURN 3- Pioneers arrive from reserve. Pz IIIM platoon moves back (see above pic)
SOVIET TURN 3- SU-76's arrive from reserve. Using 32" range advantage, the SU-76's start rolling 5's and 6's. They score a hit on CiC, bounce. A Pz IIIM is hit twice and bounces both shots. Hurray FA 6.
GERMAN TURN4- Crap, get into concealment says the Pz IIIM platoon. One bogs trying to get into the forest.
GERMAN TURN 4- 8-Rads arrive from reserve. Pz F-2's looking for targets.
SOVIET TURN 4- ZiS-3 arrive from reserve. SU-76 shoots at the Pz IIIM platoon and miss.
SOVIET TURN 4- Motorised mortars show up from reserve (blurry trucks in distance). They double move towards the trees.
GERMAN TURN 5- CiC and Pz III platoon move to 24" to face off against the SU-76's. CiC is far left tank.
GERMAN TURN 5- CiC in Tank 800 is pointing at the SU-76 and shouting "Shoot 'zem!". And shoot they do resulting in 3 bailed SU-76's. Curse FP4+!! Meanwhile on the left flank, the F-2's shoot at the doubling mortar platoon and achieve 5 hits on the trucks, killing 3 of them and 3 mortars. Mortar platoon makes morale and stays on the board.
SOVIET TURN 5- U/C's with Boys AT stalk the 8-rads. Cough, no passengers in U/C's to fire the Boys AT!
SOVIET TURN 5- Dismouned M3 Rotas huff it towards the treeline on right flank. ZiS-3 shoot at Pz IIIM platoon (just barely in range), 8 shots, 2 hits, 2 bounces.
SOVIET TURN 5- Stuarts go into the forest, only 1 bogs. SU-76's all unbail and take 6 shots, resulting in 2 hits, all of which bounce.
SOVIET TURN 5- Cough, Boys AT scores 5 hits, 1 penetrates and boom goes an 8-Rad. Mortars kill one Pio stand.
GERMAN TURN 6- Pios fail to unpin and in fact won't unpin entire game. 8-rad scores 2 hits on U/C's and bails both. F2's shoot 6 times, hit once but kill a U/C. Pz IIIM platoon unleashes 18 shots (includes CiC) at SU-76 and result in 1 dead and 1 bail. Hmmmm...
SOVIET TURN 6- U/C's scurry behind the trees. BA-64's arrive from reserve. Stuarts bog twice in the forest. 3 Stuarts bogged so far in forest. Remainder shoot at the F-2's, score 2 hits but bounce. SU-76's score 2 hits on Pz IIIM's and both bounce. ZiS-3 all miss their shots. Mortars kill 2 Pio stands.
GERMAN TURN 7- Pz IIIM's remove the SU-76 threat.
GERMAN TURN 7- Pz F-2 kill a Stuart, then fail Stormtroop. Uh-oh.
SOVIET TURN 7- M3's Rotas move out forest to assault Pz IIIM's. BA-64's will dart out from behind forest. Mortars miss the Pio's, who haven't dug in and are pinned - still. Stuarts have 11 shots, results in 4 hits, 3 bounce and 1 bail. ZiS-3 have 8 shots, 2 hits and both bounce. Rota assault goes in and is repulsed.
GERMAN TURN 8- F-2 doesn't unbail. Other F-2's shoot at Stuarts and miss. 2iC shoots at Stuart = bail. CiC shoots at Stuart = bail. Pz IIIM's shift to protect objective and miss BA-64's with 4 shots. Sigh.
GERMAN TURN 8- F-2 fails to unbail. Other F-2's (4 shots) and miss Stuarts. CiC and 2iC bail 1 Stuart each. le Sigh.
SOVIET TURN 8- Whoa, it's Daytona 500. BA-64's race pace the IIIM's, trying to get SA shots with their 2 AT rifles. They achieve 1 hit, the but the sideskirts saves the hit.
SOVIET TURN 8- Rotas come in for another assault.
SOVIET TURN 8- Assault is repulsed and Rotas's are destroyed in defensive fire.
SOVIET TURN 8- Stuarts kill the 2iC. Stuarts kill the bailed F-2 and bail another F-2. ZiS-3 hit the Pz IIIM's 3 times for no damage. Ouch. Beginning of German Turn 9- F-2 remounts and we retreat from Stuart gunline.
GERMAN TURN 9- Not much except maneuvering away from ZiS-3 and bailing a few BA-64's. You see the start of Soviet Turn 9 with BA'64 hightailing it to other objective.
SOVIET TURN 9- U/C Rotas moving towards obj. U/C's trailing behind.
SOVIET TURN 9- Stuarts pursuing the F-2's and wanting side shots on Pz IIIM platoon. ZiS-3 continue moving up 2" and shooting at Pz IIIM's and score 1 hit, bounce. Stuarts bail the CiC.
SOVIET TURN 9- BA-64's chew up Pio's.
GERMAN 10- There's the bailed CiC. Pz IIIM's race to contest obj.
GERMAN TURN 10- F-2 contesting obj. Pz IIIm's kill 1 BA-64 and bail 2. Other F-2 kills a U/C.
SOVIET TURN 10- U/C use Boys AT (ahem) and bail the 8-rad.
SOVIET TURN 10- Paul's finger urging his Stuarts onwards!
GERMAN TURN 10- Pz III's bail 2 BA-64's. FP4+ !!! F-2's bail a Stuart. FP 3+ !!!!
SOVIET TURN 11- Meh. Bailed 8-rad is captured in assault.
SOVIET TURN 11- Son-of-a-gun. BA-64's race to flank obj!!
SOVIET TURN 11- Sniff, Sniff. Stuarts double-bail CiC.
SOVIET TURN 11- U/C Rotas consolidate forward after assault.
GERMAN TURN 12 and 13- Pz III's race back to cover obj. Kill a few of the pesky buggers.
SOVIET TURN 12 AND 13- U/C Rotas keep coming to obj.
GERMAN TURN 14- F-2's kill a Stuart. (I'm getting tired. There's more happening in Turns 12, 13 and 14, but I stopped taking as many photos. I didn't want to slow a long game further). Stuarts pass morale and stay in game.
SOVIET TURN 14- F-2's get flame throwered and assaulted off obj (captured). End game. Pz IIIM's too far away to challenge. Nice game Paul!
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