In between games, I took the opportunity to wander around the ballroom and see what other people were playing.
See the pictures below.
The first game to catch my eyes was this Boxer Rebellion demo game. The hosts even dressed up in traditional Chinese peasant garb. It was by far the loudest game next to us, with plenty of whooping and hollering as either the Colonials or Chinese gained the upper hand. I'm not sure of the rules, but it involved a 52-card deck because people were chanting for certain cards to be drawn.
Next game closest to the FOW tournament tables was a Great Escape Game. Sadly, I didn't see the hosts start a game, which is a shame because the table looked very nice. I think their Stalag buildings are incredible.
The best table at the Smackdown belonged to the German East Africa 1914 demo game. It had a working light house, flickering lights inside the ship and a smoking train. The game didn't start until later in the evening, but as you can see the scenery is fantastic.
An Ork army from the 40K tournament.
One of the 40K tables. This one had the most terrain. The others were pool tables. One thing that I have to give kudos to is that the 40K players all had painted armies. I saw none of the unpainted metal or grey-primer plastic that I see at the LGS.
Great pictures! I always enjoys seeing other peoples photo's from shows and conventions from around the world. Thanks for sharing these.