A couple of posts ago I asked advice about drybrushing two M4A2 test models. One model was painted with Model Master Forest Green, while the other was Model Master Olive Drab.
I drybrushed Russian Uniform over the Forest Green. As you can see, or can't see, the drybrushing hardly shows up because the Forest Green is a deep color.
Next up is the Model Master Olive Drab M4A2.
It turned out extremely well. It's the best tank I've painted. I was very proud and posed it on the FOW Gallery and received good feedback.
After the Model Master Olive Drab, I a light drybrush of German Camo Beige was used. Then GW Badab Black was used as a wash, being careful to dab up any access. Seal a couple of times with Testors Dullcote and voila.
I'll be doing up a company of M4A2 in this scheme.
Thanks Chevalier de la Terre and Griddon for the drybrushing help.
Dang, that looks great comrade!